located At 7th & broadway in downtown cincinnati

From whipped feta toast, to chicken schnitzel, to crispy lasagna, the Pennyflower menu is an eclectically comforting selection of bites—whether you decide to come join us for coffee, breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Pennyflower is conveniently located on the east side of downtown Cincinnati near to P&G headquarters and the Fountain District

behind the name

In the 1860s, the area now known as Fountain Square was occupied by the Fifth Street Market, primarily used by butchers. When the city decided to replace the market with a public square featuring the Tyler Davidson Fountain, the butchers opposed the move, citing a deed that mandated the location be used as a market in perpetuity.

The dispute escalated to the Ohio Supreme Court, which ultimately ruled in favor of the city.

In 1875, a beautiful iron flower cart, designed by Renowned Cincinnati architect James W. McLaughlin, was constructed

To honor the original deed’s stipulation, the city installed a small metal cart for selling flowers on the square. Each year, the mayor would ceremonially purchase a flower for one cent to maintain the terms of the deed—a penny for a flower.